The Global Quality Mark for Accessibility is intended for people with disabilities. These are people with auditory, visual, motor and intellectual disabilities and people who use an assistance dog.
As an organization and company, you are aware of the problems for people with disabilities and the opportunities that lie when you are able to offer this growing target group an accessible location. That means potential growth and an increase in turnover. You also want to be socially responsible and show your commitment. In addition, in accordance with the Equal Treatment on the Grounds of Disability or Chronic Illness Act, you are obliged to offer or make adjustments that lead to accessibility. After all, you want to prevent annoying complaints.
AccessTo is intended for people with disabilities. This is 15% of the population. They are people with auditory, visual, motor and intellectual disabilities and people who use an assistance dog.
Due to the double ageing of the population, this target group is increasing sharply in numbers. People from this target group want to live, work, recreate, consume and much more. In short, they want to participate in society. Just like everyone else. But they depend on the accessibility of public space and buildings with a public function.
AccessTo offers building owners and managers the tools to make their buildings accessible to everyone step by step and within the possibilities.
All target groups of people with disabilities are represented within the guidelines of the AccessTo.
In many existing buildings, accessibility is a growth process. AccessTo therefore has four levels. Bronze, silver, gold and platinum.
The criteria are based, among other things, on NEN-ISO 21542, the Integral Accessibility Standard and extensive expert research.
AccessTo is available for all buildings with a public function. From public government buildings to shops, restaurants, sports facilities and cultural buildings.
AccessTo is supported by various disability organisations and civil society organisations.
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