It is familiar to many companies. Fluctuations in the busyness of the production process. One month there are almost record turnovers and the next month it is much too quiet within the company. The biggest problem that then arises is that you just sit with the staff. The staff demands a certain degree of security from you. This makes it very difficult to bind people to the organization. The solution for this is our student pool management service.
By working with a flexible pool in which candidates indicate their availability every week, we can switch very easily for you and provide sufficient staff in every busy phase. This prevents you from being stuck with redundant personnel when you do not need these forces. By using our pool management service, you have a talented candidate at your disposal, only when you deem it necessary.
It makes no difference to us whether you have the right pool of candidates yourself or whether you prefer us to put together a pool of interesting candidates for you. Thanks to our large database full of motivated and talented employees, this is no problem for us. In addition, we continue to believe that good planning is crucial. Thanks to our extensive planning systems, we can always schedule the ideal candidate for you and get the most out of the current pool of students. In this area too, our service is therefore of good quality and reliable.
DivIn Recruitment has a database full of motivated students. Our students all follow an education at MBO, HBO or University level. So they know their business and know how to tackle it. Many companies think that students are less productive than employees, but this is certainly not true. Lately there has been a lot of shortage on the labor market and students are starting to think about their future. They are uncertain about their future and wonder whether they will earn a lot of money at all and get a permanent contract. That is why they would like to gain relevant work experience in the business world. They want to be able to differentiate themselves from other students and they can do this by applying their strengths in business and improving their weaknesses. This allows us to guarantee that we deliver working students who are eager to learn and who work hard.
In addition, you also save costs when you work with students. A student works to gain relevant work experience in the form of a side job. A part-time job does not earn a high salary. You will therefore spend much less money on a working student with a side job than on an employee with a fixed salary. In addition, a student who has completed a study after a while can immediately start working at your company without the need for a long familiarization period. In this way you save on-training costs for a new employee.
Pool management benefits:
We help you make your organization diverse and inclusive.